Rock Haven Fest rules

August 24 2024

Categories- Rec, Int, Adv
Competitors not climbing in our Open category must choose one of three levels in which to compete
Recreational – regularly climbs red, orange and yellow (on V scale, VB – V3)
Intermediate – regularly climbs green, blue and purple (on V scale, V2 – V5)
Advanced – regularly climbs pink, white and black (on V scale, V5 – V7), not eligible for finals or cash prize.
Volunteers needed – support your friends and community by volunteering in a session, or climb in one session and volunteer in the other. All volunteers receive a t shirt, access to our VIP room with food & coffee and a day pass.

Open Category
Competitors in the Open Category must choose, at the start of their session, whether to climb on Open Men’s (marked OM) boulders or Open Women’s (marked OW) and mark their scorecard with the desired designation. Each of these Open sub categories is scored on ten boulders and any Open competitor, regardless of gender, may choose which to climb on. All ten of the boulders in Open Men’s or Open Women’s are of equal value. Scores are calculated based on number of tops, then number of zones; total attempts may count against a competitor in the case of ties.

Climbing on Open Men’s or Open Women’s also determines the boulders the competitor climbs on if they reach the Finals round. Competitors may climb on boulders that are outside of their sub category, but those will not be scored.

All announcements will be made acknowledging the gender category in which the competitor climbs.

Scorecards and scoring
Each zone will have a judge, competitors hand their scorecard to the judge and when their name is called they may try a climb in that zone. The judge will issue a tally mark for an attempt. Every attempt will get a tally mark. If the climber flashes a problem that will result in one tally mark and initials.
Final scores are calculated by adding up the top five highest scored routes completed. Ties will be broken by counting attempts, and the person with fewer attempts to finish the route will be awarded the tie breaker.
If competitors complete climbs that result in a score substantially higher than others in their category, they will be bumped to the next higher category. For example, if a Recreational competitor finishes with a score that puts them into the top rankings of the Intermediate category they will be ranked with Intermediate climbers for scoring. Climbers may not be bumped into the Open category.

To finish a boulder problem and score points, the climber must
Establish on marked start holds
Use only holds of the designated color for the problem, Volumes and aretes are on
Control the finish
If there is a spinner or other technical issue, the attempt does not count; please alert staff and/or routesetters immediately

When finished climbing, each competitor takes their card to the front desk for scoring. Staff will enter scores in the gym’s score sheet and confirm with initials on the scorecard that the score has been entered. At this time, the competitor should bring up any questions or concerns.

At Rock Haven we believe in sport, good sportsmanship and supporting one another in the larger climbing community. Any and all forms of cheating will result in disqualification from the event and a ban from future Rock Haven events. This includes falsifying one’s scorecard or any part of another competitor’s scorecard and any other form of cheating.